Monday, December 15, 2008

1:25 AM Homburg

1:25 AM Homburg, Germany - Though Coleman’s blood pressure continues to be an issue, he has been delivered for another day of battle but with it a new challenge.

Just past midnight here an ear, nose and throat doctor came to examine Coleman due to significantly increased bleeding from his nose and mouth. He performed a procedure on his adenoids to stem the bleeding and blood thickeners are being administered simultaneously. Pray that both the medicine and procedure can stop the bleeding – the doctor has informed us again how serious this new challenge is and how critical the next few hours are.

We continue to be encouraged by each word of prayer uttered on Coleman’s behalf and fervently beseech you to stay by his side in prayer.


  1. We continue to pray for Coleman and that he will be healed by God's grace. We pray for strength for the family, friends and medical personnel as you continue to fight for Coleman as he is fighting for us. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you overcome this situation which will be witness to all that GOD IS THE GREAT HEALER!!!!
    With love and prayers,
    Steve, Stacy and Dustin

  2. I went to Summit with Coleman and havent talked to him in years but would just like to say that me and my whole family have him in our prayers. I know he can make it threw it, he is a strong guy.
    Amanda Miller

  3. Lord God - We need you, we need you here and now. Surround the Hinkefents with Your love and comfort us who are far away. Father God we again come before Your throne as You invite us to do as Your beloved children and we ask for healing of Coleman. In the face of medical odds that are overwhelmingly bad, we desire more than anything that You be glorified in all that we say and do.


  4. I found this blog through Coleman's cousin - Andrea Hood's post on Facebook. My continued prayers are with Coleman and his family. I will feverishly pray for his full recovery.
    Elisabeth Hunter

  5. Father, You are the Great Physician, You have delivered Coleman from spiritual death to life, from a dark kingdom to a kingdom of light, may you now deliver him from the brink of physical death. Father, touch Coleman’s body and cause it to be renewed as you have renewed his soul.

  6. Coleman. You are so amazingly strong and we are all in awe of you. Not a moment passes that we don't think of you. Keep fighting because we have faith that you are going to overcome this battle. I know God performs miracles and we are praying for one now. Hang in there!

  7. Eric and Belinda,
    I trust that you are exactly where God wants you to be, and Coleman is receiving exactly the care from the exact doctors God wants caring for him. God has moved heaven and earth to get you and Coleman and the doctors together in a place where the doctors are free to try whatever treatment they believe is best. And it is a place you never would have chosen on your own.
    Your faith in our God is being seen around the world and we continue to pray for a quick diagnosis and recovery.

    Keep up the good fight. I know this is not the battlefield you wanted to fight in, but our Commander-in-Chief has chosen for you to fight this battle where you are. The orders are the same. Hold on to your faith. Trust God in everything. I hope to see you soon.

    Your fellow soldier in Christ,
